True believers still look back to 1984 as the dawning of a New Age of human empowerment. Reports of her massive wealth were printed in morning newspapers yesterday and before markets closed that afternoon, share prices of Zhang's Guangdong-based Nine Dragons Paper Industries Co. Branching into other fields, the company has created the grand, luxurious Palazzo Versace resort on the Gold Coast of Australia. Steve Jobs is said to have quite an ego, but his return to the company has been something downright messianic. Zhang is believed to be the wealthiest self-made woman in the world. According to Rupert Hoogewerf, who set up the Huran Report in 1999 which lists wealthy people in China. Even Prince Charles attends Donatella's parties for the famous and elite throughout Europe. She is richer than the U.S. television host Oprah Winfrey and author of the Harry Potter series JK Rowling. "He really was the most valuable player; we couldn't have done it without him," Clow said. "He has this way of looking down the road and seeing what he wants to accomplish. As Creative Director, Donatella will carry out final plans and design strategies for the hotel and resort compound. However, her low profile has helped her remain largely unknown over the past years. "Our profits have allowed us to get out there and tell our message so we can move forward." Explaining her success, Zhang said it had a lot to do with luck. In October of 2002, Gianni and Donatella's most famously designed iMac, which launched Aug. 15, buttressed by a more than $100 million ad and marketing blitz. This will be the second Pallazo Versace hotel ever to be built, to pursue her dream of becoming the "empress of waste paper". Jobs told the audience that Donatella's success is to be honored for extraordinary fashion success and symbolism worldwide.
Steve Jobs:
Zhang Yin:
Donatella Versace:
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